Healthy Meals You Can Make One Handed
I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in my right wrist. I can use my right hand for about 5 seconds before the pain is agonising. I'm lucky my daughter does the prepping but she's not always here with her busy…
“Where are my pants? Where have my pants gone? WHERE ARE MY PANTS?!”
"Oh I forgot I took them off!" I said and we both doubled over laughing. Real belly laughs at my stupidity and the situation again. [American readers I mean knickers]
Oh I Do Like to Be Beside The Seaside
I run into the nearest shop, put on my best pleading face and say "can you help me please?! My phone is rubbish, it won't let me pay for parking and they've sealed the card reader off!" And bloody hell…
If You Go Down In The Woods Today…
Then hopefully you won't run into me all sweaty, lost and holding back tears. I'd love to say I'm confident and know my way around now after 2 years but its 200,000 hectares.
My “Cute” Brain Injury
"Are you being serious or pulling my leg? He said. I replied with the llama GIF doing a "what the fuck?" slow head turn. He tweets again: "the memory loss, I was asking if its true? If it is, its…
Someone Tweeted My Brain Injury Was Cute And Asked if It Would Get Better
I know, right? My bottom jaw was pretty much on the floor. Cute. Going to the shops for two specific items, coming back with two different items is cute. Bloody CUTE?!
What JC Did Next – Part 8
Time is moving on and the many questions are coming thick and fast for the kind man on Twitter who says he's going to help build my site. For every question he asks, I ask three back before I can…
What JC Did Next – Part 7
To give you an example of what crappy brain power I'm dealing with here: before I write a new blog I re-read previous blog to make sure I'm not repeating myself. By the time I start writing the new blog…
What JC Did Next – Part 6
The Confusion Reigns Supreme And then began many questions by him and many, MANY 'sorry, what?'s from me.
What JC Did Next – Part 5
And then the panic set in. What the hell dude?! Now I've been gifted a website I actually have to write stuff. Instantly feeling indebted to him. Must let him know he made a good choice gifting it to me…