Snuggles List No.3
No. 3? I think, can’t remember. Snuggles List. Wish I’d never called them that. What a crap name for a series of blogposts. What am I, 12?!
Ah well, at least it feels a bit more of a snuggly time than it did in March when I published the first list. During a heatwave! Okay, not a heatwave but oh it was glorious wasn’t it? I digress. This is what I’ve been reading lately. Please show me yours. Thank you!
“If You Tell”
As you know, because I keep banging on about it, reading can be a struggle sometimes due to the brain injury. If my mind doesn’t drift, nothing stays in once I’ve put the book down and I have to constantly re-start the whole thing from the beginning. Its only been since lockdown (and taking time out from tweeting garbage all day) that I’ve attempted books again.
But I didn’t have any problem reading “If You Tell” by Greg Olsen because I couldn’t put it down. Glued to it. Amazing story. Had to keep reminding myself its true. “Run! Run awaaaaaaay!!!” was a constant thought right until the end.
Found it quite disturbing. You might need a hug (and possibly therapy) afterwards for any triggers. For a few days it really affected me. A very powerful book. Until I forgot most if it. Result!
Its free to read on Kindle if you have Amazon Prime. Another result.
“I’m Not with the Band“
I was a huge Smash Hits lover back in the day. It was my bedroom and school books’ wallpaper. The Thompson Twins and Nik Kershaw on the back of my bedroom door (I was young, alright?!). Never missed an issue. When this book came up as a recommendation I happily paid money for this one. (Well, the Kindle version, I’m not made of money. Yet!) “I’m Not with the Band” by Sylvia Patterson – A Writer’s Life Lost in Music is worth it. She had my dream job! All I wanted was to travel the world and ask beautiful bands incredibly witty, yet stupid questions. Mostly, ‘will you marry me?’ But then the School’s Careers Adviser said “umm, how about secretarial college instead?” and the rest is history. 135 wpm thank you very much. Okay, not now, but pre-accident.
The book starts with me wishing I was her and finishes with me wanting to be her best friend.
Girl Gone Mad
Next I read “Girl Gone Mad” by Avery Bish. Can’t even remember a single character name. But it must’ve been good or I would’ve stopped reading. Another freebie on Amazon Prime.
I’m With the Band: Confession of a Groupie
Now “I’m With the Band: Confession of a Groupie” by Pamela Des Barres was a book I’d wanted to read for a long time. Most of it didn’t disappoint but some of it did. Some of it really made me wince. Namely the way she describes an 11 year old boy sexually. And there were other is she joking?! bits that thankfully I’ve forgotten them. See, swings and roundabouts, sometimes its good to forget!
Recommended, I think.Your Turn
After reading what I’ve written, to call them book ‘reviews’ is a bit tenuous, so that concludes my rubbish book ‘suggestions’ for today! Please do let me have yours. Thank you!
You can find previous posts with lots of other people’s book & tv lockdown recommendations here:

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