• Life,  My Week

    Lockdown Life

    I miss my nephew. Have I mentioned that?(!) He’s going to be three in April and I haven’t seen him since Christmas 2019 when he was one. How’s he going to know I’m his favourite aunty if I never see…

  • Life

    Snuggles List No.3

    No. 3? I think, can’t remember. Snuggles List. Wish I’d never called them that. What a crap name for a series of blogposts. What am I, 12?! Ah well, at least it feels a bit more of a snuggly time…

  • Life

    Day by Day

    What sort of absolute idiot would start cleaning the door handles with anti-bacterial wipes and then think its a good idea to clean the car with them. Well, this idiot. And then it dried. Waaaaaah!

  • Life

    Lockdown Bonuses

    I'll be honest with you, I'm a bit "chuck it in and hope for the best" but the pleasure from watching them grow is next level. I mean, WHO KNEW?! [Welcome to Old Age, Population: Me]

  • Life,  My Week

    No Idea What Day It Is

    We seemed to have changed day names for numbers. Is it Lockdown Isolation? Day 12? 13? Who knows, no one cares. The nights are getting lighter but the lockdown looks like it could go on longer.

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