Life,  My Week

Could You Just Keep Your Thoughts to Yourself?

I ask myself daily. I’m trying! Abandoned Twitter a good few weeks ago now but unfortunately the crime in question was committed about a week before, on Facebook.

I was on a local page group and someone had added a post about vegan dog treats. There was a photo of a dog peering into a bag and the tagline was “so and so looks delighted with his treats!” Instantly I thought, “that dog does NOT look delighted! Haha”. And I posted it as a comment underneath. Without the”haha!”. I don’t know why! Thought I was being funny. Say what you see.

Well, did I learn a lesson. I wrongly assumed that the person posting was sharing a post they’d seen elsewhere. Nope. The poster was the owner of the company. She replied to my (pathetic!) comment saying she was a single mother, working hard to promote her business. Yes, you know how bad I felt! Instantly apologised publicly, deleted my original post and sent her a direct message again offering my profuse apologies. The last thing I’d ever want to do is hamper someone trying to make a living.

And there followed a lovely lot of messages between myself and Faye. I offered a blogpost (to atone for my sins!) and it turned out she was looking for someone to write blogs on her website ( AND we both have black labradors. Fate.

This morning I hopped on to her site and ordered some apple biscuits for Bailey. They’re great for dog’s teeth and breath. And blimey does Bailey need some help! Delivery (free) in 2 to 3 days. Shall report back with my findings and photographic evidence of Bailey’s delighted face!


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