Wheelless – Week 4
Desperately needing some money (who doesn’t?!) for car repairs, decided to get my head down and try and rustle up some new customers. But how? I sadly don’t have a sales bone in my entire body. I genuinely thought it would be a doddle selling something that would save people money, not cost them. How wrong was I?!
The thought of going through phone contacts and calling people out of the blue fills me with anxiety. I have done it a few times but prefer to do a FB post or tweet but even that gives me anxiety! (and not many results)
[Talking of tweets, you’ll never guess what…Ricky Gervais liked of one of my tweets. I KNOW! Didn’t believe it straight away. Got a notification saying Ricky Gervais liked your tweet and I thought as if, course he did. OMFG he did!
The tweet was: That’s enough Robin Ince(l) for one day *mutes* How some man are blind to the dangers of women losing safe spaces is jaw dropping. Shame on you.]
Where was I?! A while back I’d ordered 500 leaflets to stick through letterboxes, thinking this would be easier than cold calling. They arrived. But a month late because I hadn’t checked my emails. Don’t ask. Excellent! These should drum up some customers right?! Then realised I had to fill them in by hand. My right hand. Oh dear. My CRPS was not happy and I managed about 35. Well Rome wasn’t built in a day was it.
You can get a ink stamp for ‘only’ £7, someone told me helpfully. Unfortunately £7 is a lot to find from nothing! Especially with the £6 P&P.
I messaged Pen to see if he could pick me up earlier than usual for football (Liverpool v Crystal Palace – the referee was the biggest W, don’t ask!) so I could stick them through his neighbours’ doors. Already stuck some through my neighbours’ doors a while back and not a sniff. I live in a very heavy MOD, Police, forces area and its a very, what do you call it when people move in and out all the time? You know what I mean.
Didn’t think it through did I. 35 houses doesn’t sound a lot but I forgot about walking up and down gardens. And how hot was it on Monday?! Too hot and clammy. But I did it and then spotted a load of blackberry bushes on the way back. If you know me or follow me on SM you’ll know about my blackberry addiction. FREE FOOD!
Knocked on Pen’s door, can you give me some bags or a tub? I’ve found loads of blackberries! “Are you sure you want to do this now? In pain?” said Pen (or something similar – can’t remember!) as I yelped with every footstep . But the way I see it is, if I’m already in pain (aka Fibromyalgia & herniated discs hell) I might as well keep going as long as I physically can, its going to hurt anyway. Picked a lovely bag full of berries and as soon as I’ve necked enough painkillers today (Wed) I’m going to local park to shake the apple tree for turnovers.
Throbbing. Head to toe. But zero phone calls from last night’s drop. Time to go again. About 50 leaflets filled out and off I went around the neighbourhood. Wasn’t thinking was I. I rarely do. Brain damage has made sure of that. It was only when I was putting last leaflet through the door I remembered how people are always moving in and out around here and also, would people living in detached houses with double garages really care about saving a few quid on their utility bills?!
My phone is silent so the answer so far is no!
Along the way I was bitten by something and someone is going to have some lovely CCTV footage of me scratching my boob all up their front path.
And people who have their letterbox at the bottom of their door – who hurt you?! Because you hurt my back.
Phone is still silent. I was going to get up early and catch a bus to a different area but then remembered can’t get on a bus since brain damage and Labyrinthitis – motion sickness/nausea is next level. Instead I thought I’d type this and then stand outside Sainsburys handing some leaflets out as soon as the painkillers kick in. Its 4pm and they haven’t yet but there’s always tomorrow right?! Although, it’s currently advisable to live each day as if its your last. The day isn’t over yet and I might try and grab the teatime crowd. Hahaha as if, I do make myself laugh!
But I will try and write some more leaflets out though. As soon as my hands stop throbbing from typing this. Ah well, never mind, wish me luck and I’ll wish you the same! 🙂 x
PS. I’ve disabled comments because spammers and I can’t afford the software app(!) but feel to contact me on Twitter @ahwellnevermind or drop me an email joysterling@hotmail.co.uk

Wheelless: Week 3
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