My Week

My Week: The One Where I Got A Bit Carried Away With Myself

I feel bad for saying this when so many are having an awful time, but I’ve had quite a good week. Coping well with lockdown because those two years that I barely left the house came in handy after all. Pre-training!


Doc rang, annual prescription check. I think I’m ready to start decreasing my anti-depressants now, I said. Umm, no, he said. What? But I’m back! Panic attacks have decreased, I feel more able and energised than I have in the last 4 years. “Well…I don’t think that now is the time. We’re heading into lockdown, winter and SAD season [oh yes, I get that, sun worshiper] and maybe we’ll talk about it again in the Spring?”

Oh. Okay. Now I’m thinking maybe I’m only this capable because of the meds. I could decrease them myself and see what happens. Yes, I’ll wait until Spring.


The day before lockdown 2. Only one thing for it, a nice drive to Nailsworth with Sophie and Jo, grabbed a coffee, drove up to the top at Mitchinhampton, parked up golf course, drank our coffees and munched doughnuts and croissants while looking out across the valleys. Lovely.

Back home at 3.30pm I said “Sophie! Get Ready! Sunset is at 4.41pm”. Do like a spur of the moment decision. I was physically hurting but knew I’d regret it if we didn’t go. Its usually a 20 minute drive to the beach. What sort of idiot thought rush hour traffic on the M4/M5 (the day before Lockdown!) would be a good idea?! 10 minutes there, 80 minutes travelling.

Ah well, we made it just in time. See you the other side of lockdown, you beauty.


Popped round Pen’s for some more website lessons. He’s in my bubble. Showed how to make my own adverts. He said “when you click on the advert, where is it going to take you?” Me: blank face. “umm…I don’t know? I didn’t think about that!” Finally the brain fog lifted. Ebay. It will take you to my Ebay links. Sorted.


I messaged Pen: I can’t get on my website. What does this mean ‘Resource Limit is Reached’? Too many visitors, he replied. What?! Happy days! Except now I need to get my site onto another server and its complicated because I don’t know how. If you read my early blogs you’ll know that the website was gifted to me out of the blue. Absolutely thrown in at the deep end without a clue. I don’t have server control yet. I asked to buy it (my own website) but he said no, he was only paying for the domain name. But, but, I want to own my domain name?

Ah well, never mind, I have too many blog visitors, this is amazing!


Writing, writing, writing and phone calls for blog.

Signed a lady up to Utility Warehouse and she was over the moon with the savings. I love doing this, you get happy and I get happy because you’re happy. And I get a tidy sum. Everyone’s a winner!


We’ve had a piano for a couple of years. Sophie needed it for her Music GCSE. It was free but I know her dad paid a lot for delivery. I’d advertised it on local Facebook page as a freebie. Tiny house, she hasn’t touched it for over a year, its gathering dust and we need the space.

A lady replied she’d like it and a local delivery man replied underneath saying he could transport it for her. And here’s where I got a bit carried away.

When it arrived initally, the two elderly gentlemen took FOREVER to get it in. Her dad paid £300 for a 20 miles journey. Was a right old palava. They really made a meal of it.

Two men arrived yesterday and honestly, it was like watching a masterclass in comparison. You do this, and I’ll do this, and you lift it that way etc. Took minutes.

As they were leaving I said to the main man, do you have a card? He gave me an A5 sized flyer. “Are you a new business? Do you have a social media manager?” I said. And I don’t know why I said that because all I meant was I’ll write you a glowing blogpost we can put on our local FB group. “No”, he said “but I’d like one”. And honestly I don’t know where these words came from because I wasn’t even thinking it AND I SAID “I can do it for you for x amount”. AND HE SAID YES! And then I started waffling about how my blog has so many readers(!) and how I do blogposts for small businesses and that I’ll call him in the week.

He left and I walked upstairs shellshocked. Sophie said “I’m so proud of you mum!”. I said “I’M SHAKING! I CAN’T BELIEVE I SAID ALL THAT! I DON’T KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM!”. Its the first time I’ve sold myself in years. “You sounded really confident!” she said. I didn’t feel it, was a bundle of anxiety! Now usually when I say things (pre & post brain injury!) that come from nowhere, it doesn’t always have a good outcome. But he said yes.

And now I have to write a blogpost about a delivery man and manage his social media. Even though I have no clue. Have you see my own tweets?! Oh my days.

Wish me luck and have a good week yourselves. Thanks for reading, its spurring me on! x

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