Lockdown Life
I miss my nephew. Have I mentioned that?(!) He’s going to be three in April and I haven’t seen him since Christmas 2019 when he was one. How’s he going to know I’m his favourite aunty if I never see him?!
I rang my brother. “Can we just do a quick garden visit? I’ll stand right back”. Especially as all three of them have had COVID and my beautiful sister-in-law works on a COVID ward.
“Well I take him to blah park on Sundays, why don’t you just happen to be there tomorrow?”
“YES!” I replied, excitedly. 7 miles away but ring road then motorway, 25 minutes. I do know about the lockdown rules, been abiding by them. (Mostly. I took some meringues/fruit/cream to Hannah on Saturday morning, 5 minute drive so local), left them on her doorstep and got straight back in car. Was it essential? Yes it was. I wanted to make my friend and her family smile. Job done).
Back to my nephew. Didn’t think it was going to happen at one point as I got a text saying he wouldn’t get dressed and I chuckled because he is my brother’s son. There’s 10 years between me and bruv and I remember so well what he was like as a toddler when I was a teen. Pay back time!
Finally, we arrive. And panic. The (large) car park is full, there’s not a space on the road. Chocca. Hundreds and hundreds of people everywhere. No social distancing going on in the playground.
Found a space, rang bruv and said sorry, I can’t. I can’t lock myself away for a year to ruin it by taking a chance here. Was stupid to think this was a good idea. I got out of the car for 2 mins (if that), long enough to moan about the bloody Tories giving pandemic contracts to their mates, waved at my wee nephew and drove home.
Back Home
“I’m so sorry I never tuned in, there’ll be a blog later, do you have a link?” I messaged Alistair at Trug & Lettuce. He was doing a very good (so I’m told by friends!) Sunday gardening show (monthly I think) on Frome.Fm at 1pm. I forgot to listen to his first show and asked him to remind me about the next one. Which he did and I let him down! I could’ve kept quiet about it, but you know me, better out than in.
I’d already forgotten about the two hour online training session I’d signed up for starting at 11am. It had been booked initially for Thursday night but I’d forgotten and re-arranged for Sunday but forgot that one too. Gets a bit tiring sometimes! Ok, all the time. There’s not a day goes by I don’t mention the words ‘forget’ or ‘remember’. Ah well, never mind.
It’s Raining Customers!
Been putting head firmly into my Award Winning Utility Warehouse business this week and its been busy. I’m guessing because everyone pays a bit more attention to their bank statements and outgoings post Christmas. Well that and big 6 whacking the prices up. I can’t tell you what a brilliant feeling it is to tell people how much money I’m going to save them. Please click HERE for some info
I did feel sorry for an 85 year old customer last week. Like many elderly people he’s never looked at his tariffs or changed supplier. And some energy companies (apart from mine!) know this and keep people on the highest tariffs. It should be criminal. I changed his direct debit from £200 a month to £80. Saving him £1,440 a year. That’s a cruise! If you have elderly parents/grandparents, have a look at their bills and send them my way and I can either ring or do a remote online appointment.
Please be aware that if you do ring me there is a chance (99%!) that I’ll forget what I’m saying mid-sentence at some point due to brain damage. I will apologise profusely but please be patient with me!
But I need to remember that when I say “call me any time” that some elderly people will do just that. Lost count now. Poor bloke must be so lonely!
Best get on with it, strike while the iron is hot, or at least while I’m in the middle of an energy burst.
Call me any time! 07941070494 x

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