Ready to Mingle?
I do like taking on more than I can chew. The words are out/typed before I’ve processed them. I have a ‘want to help’ mentality without ever thinking it through! Have so much to do, currently chronically fatigued & pained (Fibromyalgia) and not enough hours in the day, but the Devil makes work for idle hands so here I go with yet another side project.
I see so many people on my Twitter timeline either expressing loneliness or wishing they were part of a couple. When I was married I remember that feeling of “its us against the world” it was a great feeling. Someone always had your back. And then when they don’t any more you divorce, but anyway…
I have set two tweeters up on a date before. The spark wasn’t there but they had a good time and neither of them turned out to be a mass murdering psychopath so taking that one as a win.
There’s a lovely, funny bloke I’ve followed for quite some years. I feel his loneliness. For a long time now I’ve wanted to hook him up with someone nice. And then I thought: ‘just find out who is single and who you can point in his direction’. Which turned into me tweeting

Which got a few people into my DMs straight away. Which prompted another tweet “please bear in mind I’m doing this free of charge and I’m not a miracle worker!”
More people have arrived today but they live so far away from each other. Age wise it seems to be the 35-50 bracket. I have a bisexual (aged 30) who prefers girls – don’t even know where to look, do you? She’s incredibly intelligent and gorgeous so if you know of a gorgeous lesbian/bisexual please send them my way. And a gay man but I’m not sure yet if he’s joking or serious.
I need to get #ReadyToMingle on as many tweets as possible. Need a much bigger selection of people. Send me a DM with your age, location and minimum requirements. Everything you tell me is confidential because you know, brain injury, I forget everything!
If could put #ReadyToMingle on your tweets even if you aren’t, it might raise awareness and I’ve got to get at least one wedding out of it. My fees are a place on the top table and the biggest slice of cake okay? Sorted!
Thanks in advance for your help x
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