HELP! I Need Some Assistance Please
Please note I’m typing this as fast as I can to get it out (URGENT_so apologies for writing like a toddler.
Baby Formula Shortage
I cannot believe what hell it must be to not be able to get baby milk for a newborn. National shortage. Worst nightmare stuff. I asked Phelicial if I can help, can I send some if I can find some? Yes please she said and gave me an address of her neighbour’s friend who is desperate.
Now, I don’t know if you know this but I’m not made of money (ha!) and these things are £13.99 – £15.99 each before P&P. I can’t find anyone to deliver direct to the States, I’m looking at www.chemistdirect.co.uk and www.chemist.co.uk who seem to have some in stock. I’ve ordered one to be delivered to me with P&P £7.95, then I’ll send to America ASAP.
Your Help Please
First thing: Can we make this into something? Shall I collect addresses by DM of mothers in dire need? Can I give you a mother’s details by DM and you donate a tin? Or send me the money and I’ll have them delivered to me and post them all on. Full receipts obviously.
OR is this me just being me thinking I can fix things and it will take longer for me to get it over there than it would for their shelves to be re-stocked?
Your advice or donation either reply in comments below or Ahwellnevermind on Twitter or by text 07941070494, would be gratefully received, as would you sharing this post. Thank you!
Update: Neither site is letting me order a tin. Any suggestions?!

Art By Dan Robbins

Case Adjourned
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I’m sorry, you’re absolutely right, I should have said parents.
I wrote it from my panicked perspective!
Nothing came of it. I helped no one. But learned a lesson 🙂
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