Just Visiting
You’re back! Oatmeal cried. No, just visiting I replied.
Its been okay waking up every morning and checking the news online instead of Twitter but it’s been missing something. It didn’t have the extra bits, the ‘what they really mean and what they’re not telling you’ bits that I got from Twitter. So after a few weeks’ absence I took a peak and it turns out that news with the extra bits is what makes my head hurt.
I forget I follow some really quite nice people to pass the time of day with but I have to stand firm. Brief visits only. I’m not mentally ready for any onslaught or difference of opinion which means that one of us most be right and one of us must be evil. Instead I thought I’d add any random thoughts that I would tweet to Notes first, and then give it a second look before tweeting.
Erm….none of my thoughts made it to the timelines. THANKFULLY! That second look was a good idea. Blimey I do/did tweet a load of crap that nobody needs to know. (Keeping away from the hot topics like why are you selling stray dogs from Bulgaria when we have dog homes fit to burst here? Ah. No money in rescuing them from dogs homes here is there. I see you).
But here’s what nearly made it into a tweet but didn’t. And boy do I feel glad for not sharing! Oh. Ah well, never mind!

Top quality content that *snort laughs*. I wont be missed. The abstinence continues!

Snuggles List No.3

Artor Glass
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